FIRST INTERNATIONAL ROGAINING LA CERDANYA - ADRIÀ TRIQUELL TROPHY | 17/06/2016 - 18/06/2016 | Rogaining in the Cerdanya

Rogaining is a sport of long distance cross-country navigation, involving both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a map.

In a rogaine, teams of 2–5 people choose which checkpoints to visit within a time limit with the intent of maximizing their score.

Teamwork, endurance, competition and an appreciation for the natural environment are features of the sport.

Championship rogaines are 24, 12 or 6 long, but rogaines can be as short as three hours.

The checkpoints can be visited in any order. Each check point is marked by a white and yellow flag measuring 30x30 mm with an electronic board  where runners insert an electronic chip registering their pass.

LA CERDANYA INTERNATIONAL ROGAINING - ADRIÀ TRIQUELL TROPHY, Catalan Championship of Rogaine 2016 and scoring event for the IbeRogaine Spanish League, takes place in Catalan Pyrenees, within La Molina and Masella ski resorts and Cim de la Bassa and Pla de les Forques landscapes - Territory belonging to the villages of   Alp, Fontanals, Toses and Puigcerdà. Province of Barcelona (Catalunya)

You can choose among three options;

  • 12 hour event Catalan Championship 2016
  • 6   hour popular event
  • 3   hour popular event


The 6 hour and 12 hour event will have  the same map and the same number of controls. 

The 3 hour event will use a smaller map  with a higher number of controls.

The scale is the same in all three events. 

This event will be ruled following the FCOC Rogaining official regulation (Catalan Orienteering Federation) and the regulation of the Spanish IbeRogaining league




Rogaine 3h
18/06/2016 06:30 Competition centre opening
18/06/2016 09:30 Quarantine area open – map handing 3h
18/06/2016 10:00 Start 3h race
18/06/2016 10:00 - 13:00 3h Rogaining
18/06/2016 13:00 Finish 3h race
18/06/2016 13:30 Awards giving 3h race
Rogaine 6h
18/06/2016 06:30 Competition centre opening
18/06/2016 13:40 Opening closed park - map handing 6h
18/06/2016 14:00 Start 6h race
18/06/2016 14:00 - 20:00 6h Rogaining
18/06/2016 20:00 Finish 6h race
18/06/2016 21:00 Dinner and Awards giving.
Rogaine 12h
17/06/2016 20:00 - 22:00 Runner Check-In 12H
18/06/2016 06:30 Competition centre opening
18/06/2016 07:15 Quarantine area open – map handing 12h
18/06/2016 08:00 Start 12h race
18/06/2016 08:00 - 20:00 12h Rogaining
18/06/2016 20:00 Finish 12h race
18/06/2016 21:00 Dinner and Awards giving.


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Rogaine 3h
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Rogaine 6h
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Rogaine 12h
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